
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Back Once Again

Boy  it sure has been a long time since I have blogged at all but here I am. 

Christmas  has been so different for us and so much has happened over the last several years, from the loss of both my parents and husbands mom, and brother to health problems with both George and I and total full retirement for us both.

We have gone from two great grandchildren since my last post to expecting our 17th on February 28th.   

My love of the Christmas Holiday has never wavered through I have slowed down a lot and have done some downsizing in my decorating. This year as I start tear down next week many more things will be set aside for the daughters or grand children to go through and take what they would like for their homes. It takes me a month to do the decorating I used to do in a week of my vacation I would take in November. 

We have gone from lights on all the front of the house and garage, bushes, and trees, handrails and porch to lights on the handrails, the large 5 foot lit Santa on the porch standing beside a decorated tree, and I do manage to add lights inside the house around the windows which can be seen from outside.   

 I do so miss all the outside lights but we no longer trust ourselves on the ladder. George has fallen twice in the last three years so no way will I let him on one anymore. Last year he carried a tote down stairs when I was working at bringing all the decorations down and managed to miss the last step somehow and fell breaking his wrist in 3 places involving 2 bones. Lucky he did not have to have surgery and he did his own therapy at home to get use back of the wrist.  


                                                   Santa on the porch before adding the tree. 

Now hope I can get back to blogging having more time on my hands. It has been so long since I did anything on my blogs I was not sure if I would even be able too. 

Hope I can get pictures of all my decorations before I take them down and will share the Holidays with all. I have new laptop and thus far have not figured out the photo program it sends my photos too so not done much in the line of taking picture.

Hope that all had a Merry Christmas and Wishing you all a Happy New Year.


  1. Karan,
    I was thrilled to see your comment!! Isn't retirement great????I love it...I have not worked in 5 years...After I had my knee done since I could no longer walk anymore it was so bad, I simply quit 6 months prior to my planned retirement at 62 year s old. They had shut down the until I worked in and expected us to float throughout the hospital which is a trauma center after giving us only 3 days of instruction and inservices after working 30+ years in a non acute area!! So I had my knee down and quit after my medical leave...Best thing I ever did because co vid cam along shortly afterward....I now finally get to do everything that I did not have time for when I was working and I really loved being home and did not care if I ever left it during the pandemic...I am actually still that way....Yes, we finally became grandparents which I thought would never happen and we were okay with it....I just hop that I live long enough to get to spend some time with the twins...I did get rid of some things when I first retired falling victim to those who thought I should do so since I am retired...And I am so sorry that I did...After losing 55 pounds and having my knee done, I am not walking for exercise and am more physically active than I have been in the last 20+ years...Happy New Year to you and your ever growing family and it was so good to hear from you.. Please do not forget to stop by as I will be posting on Mondays and Thursdays stating on the 8th!!

  2. Karan,
    I feel so much better after losing 50+ pounds and having my knee replacement done... I have a lot more energy as I am sleeping better since retiring....I actually feel better than I have in the last decade or so before I retired.....Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog
